Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Motörhead - Ace Of Spades

So I guess this is my 100th post. Yay. Well done. I'd celebrate, but I'm not really a fan of birthdays and such. Why should my 100th post be more exciting than, say, my 13th? Or my 84th? I mean, I really like those posts. Why throw a party for the sake of a number, when you can do it just to be drunk on a Wednesday and have a fun story to tell later on?

One guy who definitely knows how to party and enjoy himself is Lemmy from Motörhead. He has a real name but I don't remember what it is and can't be bothered to read up on it right now. It's not important. He's Lemmy. From Motörhead. He did a kickass song with Dave Grohl's Probot side project called "Shake Your Blood". He's a lot like Mad Max. Which is probably why this song is accompanying this video.

I hope my 101st post is half as cool as this one is.

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